Vanuit Stichting Abadi en Make A Kid Happy bundelen we onze krachten om vluchtelingenkinderen in Zeist een onvergetelijke dag te bezorgen. Door het organiseren van een Eid festival willen we voor de kinderen een dag vol met plezier en actie verzorgen en ze verwennen met allerlei cadeautjes!


Met veel enthousiasme kondigen wij een samenwerking aan met stichting Make a Kid Happy! Samen organiseren wij een Eid festival voor vluchtelingenkinderen uit Zeist.

leder kind verdient het om kind te zijn. Ook de kinderen die in asielzoekerscentra wonen en in de meest verschrikkelijke omstandigheden hebben geleefd.
Zou jij ook eraan willen bijdragen dat deze kinderen voor even hun zorgen vergeten en een glimlach op hun gezicht krijgen?
Met jouw donatie zul jij vluchtelingenkinderen een onvergetelijke dag bezorgen.

Make A Kid Happy Palestine Edition. The smiles on those faces are remarkeable. On 27 February we hosted in collaboration with @ihhnederland the Make A Kid Happy day for the kids in Palestine, Gaza. 100 young children were taken to a fun fair day with entertainment, food & presents. With the donated money, another 200 kids got school supplies and another 300 got brand new clothes and shoes. We would like to express our gratitude to our partner @ihhnederland for their incredible support, which helped us make this event a success overseas.

Watching these children have the time of their lives at our ‘Make a Kid Happy’ event in Palestine fills our hearts with joy. It was a day filled with laughter, smiles, and unforgettable memories that will stay with them forever.
We’re so grateful to have had the opportunity to create this special moment for these kids and make a positive impact in their lives. We want to thank our partners, volunteers, and donors for their continued support in making events like these possible. Seeing the happiness that we were able to bring to these children makes it all worthwhile, and we look forward to continuing our mission to spread love and kindness in the world.


One of our project was the Eid project 2022

We filled backpacks

We’re thrilled to say that we made 507 kids happy with an Eid package in The Netherlands and Belgium. 

Additionally, we provided families with vouchers for grocery shopping. The excess sponsorde items where donated to aslyum centers and refugee camps.”

Thank you to everyone who supported us!

During the holy month of Ramadan we held the EID edition of Make A Kid Happy. EID is for most children a wonderful day full of happiness, gifts and family. Unfortunately, not all children are lucky enough to celebrate EID this way due to poverty. That is why the Make A Kid Happy team decided to hand out gift packages on Eid to children who live in poverty and orphans throughout Belgium and The Netherlands. 

During the entire month of Ramadan, we raised money through different ways. Our goal was to raise €7000, and we reached that goal within the first 10 days. That is why we increased our goal to €10.000. Besides online fundraising, we also sold sweets, posters and hired henna artists at an Eid Bazaar. All the profits were put directly into the Make A Kid Happy project. We were also the main charity at the Ramadan event hosted by ‘Mohsin Op Wereldreis’, we were able to raise €2000.00 at that event. A national food bank in the Netherlands had also donated a lot of presents and toys that we were able to use for the packages.

At the end of the campaign we managed to raise €11.050,00 through donations. We’re still incredibly thankful for everyone who donated. With that money, we put together packages for orphans and children in poverty. These packages contained games, school supplies, gift cards and a candy bag. For the children who lived in poverty, we also added a gift card for groceries.


On 29th of April, we hosted our Eid festival for underprivileged kids on the garage roof of Albert Heijn Osdorp, and it was an incredible success! This day was filled with laughter, fun and happiness as we celebrated with 150 kids.

The event was filled with excitement and joy, as children immersed themselves in a variety of activities. From thrillling inflatables and face painting to a photo booth and football, every moment was brimmin with joy. The kids couldn’t resist striking silly poses and capturing memories with an abundance of props. Adding to the festive atmosphere, cheerful mascots delighted both young and old, creating countless memorable photo opportunities. There was also anasheed, played by Meester Ibrahim. Meester Ibrahim’s anasheed brought so much joy to the kids. He encouraged them to sing with him and made them dance around. His Infectious energy and enthusiasm made the event even more memorable for the kids.

We made sure to satisfy the children’s taste buds by providing delicious treats throughout the day. From popcorn and cotton candy to fries and a candy cart, the delectable delights added an extra touch of sweetness to their experience.


The Albertheijn Iftar event was truly a memorable experience for all involved. The event brought together nearly 1000 attendees from different backgrounds, cultures and ages, all coming together to celebrate the spirit of Ramadan.

One of the highlights of the event was the Make A Kid Happy table, where 100 kids were able to participate in various activities and crafts. The volunteers from Make A Kid Happy were on hand to ensure that every child had a fun and memorable experience.

It was heartwarming to see the smiles on the children’s faces as they participated in the activities and interacted with each other. It was truly a demonstration of how events like this can bring people together and foster a sense of community.

As we move forward, we are excited to continue our efforts to bring joy and happiness to children in need. We are currently planning a Eid festival for underprivileged children

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Albertheijn for providing us with the platform to make a difference, and to all the volunteers who generously gave their time and energy to make the event possible. Together, we can continue to create positive change in our communities and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Our previous project focused on helping the children of Palestine, who live in a traumatic environment filled with sadness and violence. The Make a Kid Happy Team partnered with IHH Nederland to organize a day full of laughter and fun for the children in Gaza. To raise the necessary funds, we organized several events, including a bakery sale, a ladies-only brunch in Antwerp, and an impactful soccer tournament. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to raise €16,000.

The Make A Kid Happy Day in Gaza consisted of a full breakfast, a trip to an amusement park, a boat tour, school supplies and clothes, medical aid, and food aid. We’re grateful to our donors for helping us to make this day possible for the children of Gaza. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children in need..

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